Leave us a voicemail and we'll answer your question on the podcast.
Nov. 28, 2023

Making Alabama Beautiful

Alabama the Beautiful is the cosmetic surgery podcast co-hosted by Dr. James Koehler, a surgeon with over 2 decades of expertise in cosmetic surgery and his trusty co-host Kirstin, your best friend, confidante, and the snarky yet loveable “swiss army...

Alabama the Beautiful is the cosmetic surgery podcast co-hosted by Dr. James Koehler, a surgeon with over 2 decades of expertise in cosmetic surgery and his trusty co-host Kirstin, your best friend, confidante, and the snarky yet loveable “swiss army knife” of Eastern Shore Cosmetic Surgery.

Have a question for Dr. Koehler or Kirstin? Record your voicemail at https://alabamathebeautifulpodcast.com/ and we’ll answer it on the podcast.

Eastern Shore Cosmetic Surgery is located along the Eastern Shore just off of highway 98 at 7541 Cipriano Ct in Fairhope, Alabama.

To learn more about the practice or ask a question, go to https://www.easternshoreplasticsurgery.com/

Follow Dr. Koehler and the team on Instagram

And on TikTok

Watch Dr. Koehler & Kirstin on YouTube

Alabama The Beautiful is a production of The Axis


Speaker 1 (00:02):
You are listening to Alabama the Beautiful with cosmetic surgeon Dr. James Koehler and Kirstin Jarvis.

Dr. Koehler (00:12):
When people come to see me, they're happy, they're excited. It's something they want to have done, which is a very different thing than when somebody shows up in an emergency room and that's the last place they want to be. So I think it's a different vibe. It feels better. And when you follow people through their journey, the anticipation, having something done and then the excitement, well, sometimes the stress in between is not so fun, but then there's the excitement that comes as the journey comes to an end and they've got the result they want.

Kirstin (00:46):
Is that what made you want to do a podcast? Or how did you kind of get here?

Dr. Koehler (00:50):
Well, actually it was from some encouragement from a friend of mine actually, who thought this would be a great way for me to reach out to patients. It's hard sometimes to convey your philosophy of practice, what you do, things you don't do. It's a lot easier to convey that in this type of a scenario versus an advertisement or your website, so.

Kirstin (01:16):
Do you have specific things that you want people to be able to take away?

Dr. Koehler (01:21):
Yeah, I mean, we're trying to get information to people, maybe give them some education as to what to expect if they decide to go down the road of cosmetic surgery.

Kirstin (01:32):
Is there anything that you would like patients to know about you, either as a physician or as a person?

Dr. Koehler (01:37):
I dunno. I think the thing that I would just like patients to know is that if you come and see me, I'm going to be pretty honest with you as far as what I feel like I can deliver and what I can't deliver. And hopefully get your expectations where they need to be. So if you want an honest opinion of what you can achieve, I feel like that's what I'm going to give patients. And there's so much out there in social media and just online in general. And I think expectations get built really high. And doctors, we're guilty of showing all of our best results, which we want to showcase. I mean, we want to showcase the things that are really awesome. But I also think along with that, it does sometimes build an expectation that every result is like that for every patient and it's not.

And so having those sometimes honest conversations to really say, Hey, yeah, we can help you, but the picture you're showing me, that's not possible. So that's what we're going to give you if you come and see us, is hopefully a really good assessment and build an expectation that you can count on. It's all part of the process, the give and take of the interaction with the doctor and the patient. And we just try to give people the best possible information back so that they can make an educated decision as to what they want to do.

Kirstin (02:55):
If I was a patient and wanted to do more research on my physician and chose a podcast, where could I listen to your podcast?

Dr. Koehler (03:04):
That's a good question. <laugh> I have no idea.

Kirstin (03:09):
<laugh> I know I didn't write the answer down. I dunno.

Dr. Koehler (03:12):
I think it'll be on YouTube. It'll be on

Kirstin (03:14):
Watch, on YouTube.

Dr. Koehler (03:15):
Apple Podcast. I mean, I don't know. I'll put it on every medium I can put it on that they'll let me. But you'll see it on some snippets on Instagram, so we'll have some there too.

Kirstin (03:26):
We're going to try to put snippets on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

Dr. Koehler (03:30):
TikTok. Okay.

Kirstin (03:32):
We're doing the TikTok. Okay. Oh, I see the answer. Watch on YouTube and listen anywhere you get your podcast.

Dr. Koehler (03:43):
There you go.

Speaker 1 (03:46):
Got a question for Dr. Kohler? Leave us a voicemail at Alabama the Beautiful podcast.com. Dr. James Kohler is a cosmetic surgeon practicing in Fairhope, Alabama. To learn more about Dr. Kohler and Eastern Shore Cosmetic Surgery, go to eastern shore cosmetic surgery.com. The commentary in this podcast represents opinion and does not present medical advice, but general information that does not necessarily relate to the specific conditions of any individual patient. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it and subscribe to Alabama the beautiful on YouTube, Apple Podcast, Spotify, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. Follow us on Instagram at Eastern Shore Cosmetic Surgery. Alabama the Beautiful is a production of The Axis, T-H-E-A-X-I-S. io.